Unwilling Mate: Abducted Series - Book 2 Read online

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  “The transporter has that effect on some people.”

  “The what?” Aria’s eyes widened and Eva turned toward the unfamiliar female voice.

  A striking woman with a cool expression and an authoritative air stood beside Baryn, who was taking off his suit jacket. The woman handed him a dark green jacket just like the one she wore. It looked like a military uniform of some sort. Terrien had already donned a similar jacket.

  “The transporter,” she repeated.

  The woman’s long, straight hair was pulled back tight from her face and fastened into a ponytail on top of her head. It was so light it was almost white, but it shimmered with soft lavender highlights when she moved.

  She pushed a button on a small console on the wall beside her, triggering a loud humming. The wall started to slide upward, revealing windows beyond. Aria gasped, echoed by several of the others, as a stunning vista of stars was revealed.

  “It transported you to our starship.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” Crystal walked to the glass and peered outside.

  “I don’t know, Crystal.” Kate’s voice sounded on the edge of panic. “Look!” She pointed upward.

  Eva followed her gaze. The wall panels continued to retreat over the ceiling, revealing a beautiful but quite disturbing view of Earth.

  “Oh, my God.” Eva sank into a chair, a queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. “We’ve just been abducted by aliens.”

  Chapter 2

  Eva’s head was still spinning. Only five minutes or so had passed since she and the other women realized their true predicament.

  “You.” The uniformed woman strode toward Aria. “Come with me.”

  Anger jolted through Eva.

  “We stay together,” she insisted as she stepped toward Aria protectively.

  “No, actually, you don’t,” the woman responded in a commanding tone.

  Aria glanced at the stranger’s uncompromising expression and when she extended her hand, Aria took it and stood up on shaky legs. As she followed the woman across the room, Terrien stepped in front of Eva. He wasn’t menacing, exactly, but Eva was reluctant to push past him. He was tall, strong and masculine. She didn’t think he would hurt her, but he could definitely stop her. She could imagine his strong hand clutching her arm, the heat of his body close to hers as he restrained her. The thought sent mild, barely contained terror through her.

  She licked her lips as she watched the uniformed woman lead Aria to a door, which slid open as they approached. A couple more uniformed men appeared and herded Eva and the others toward another door. Eva caught Aria’s eye and mouthed the words Everything will be all right. Eva felt the need to reassure the frightened, singled-out woman.

  Eva and the others were jostled together as they were urged into a corridor, led past several doors, then around a corner to the right. A moment later, they found themselves in another room, this one smaller than the last, with a couple of easy chairs and a couch around a large, oval coffee table.

  They sat on the couch and huddled together. Eva glanced at the other women and her already tight breathing nearly strangled to a halt as she realized that Jenna and Crystal sat beside her, but there was no sign of Kate.

  Jenna seemed to notice at the exact same moment.

  “Where’s Kate?” Jenna asked, her voice thin.

  Eva patted her hand. “It’s okay. Everything will be all right.”

  She forced the words out in a calm tone, even though she felt anything but calm right now.

  Crystal glared at the two uniformed men standing between them and the door.

  “What is going on?” she demanded.

  The door slid open and a tingle danced along Eva’s spine. She spun her head around and her gaze locked on the chiseled features of a breathtakingly handsome hunk as he stepped into the room. His long honey-colored hair was bound behind his head and his uniform jacket, adorned with three small gold ovals on the stand-up collar, hugged his broad, tautly muscled chest. Her pulse quickened, and her insides turned to hot, liquid velvet. A potent yearning pulsed through her.

  The man’s eyes, the clear turquoise of the tropical waters of the Caribbean, turned on her, and her breathing stopped. He smiled and her breath expelled. She could not tug her gaze from him as he moved to stand in front of them.

  “Good evening, ladies. I’d like to welcome you to our ship, the Patira Alana. I am Commander Larson Raa-ling, the first officer. I’m sure this has been quite a shock for you.”

  “Yeah, no kidding,” Crystal said.

  “I want to assure you, you will not be harmed,” he continued.

  Eva wanted to protest and demand to see Aria and Kate, but she couldn’t find her voice.

  “What do you want from us?” Jenna asked, her voice quavering.

  “Let me explain why we have brought you here.”

  He sat in the chair facing them and settled back into the cushioned upholstery. The tapered line of his uniform accentuated his broad shoulders and slim waist. Eva could imagine him stripping away his dark green jacket, followed by the shirt beneath, to reveal bulging arms and taut, well-defined stomach muscles.

  “There is a power in the universe that takes a hand in our lives,” he said. “We call it nata’tai. It provides the means to keep us healthy, as individuals and as races.”

  “We don’t want a lesson in alien religion,” Crystal sniped.

  “To stay healthy,” Commander Raa-ling continued, “a race must grow. It must embrace other cultures. It must open its gene pool to other races, otherwise it will stagnate. Physically, emotionally and culturally.”

  His words jerked Eva out of her hazy reverie. Open its gene pool. It sounded like—

  “Oh my God, they’ve brought us here as breeding stock.” Jenna’s face paled.

  Exactly what Eva had been thinking. She glanced at Jenna and squeezed her hand, trying to lend her strength, but wondered how long her own strength would last with images of tall, menacing aliens wanting to impregnate her marching through her brain.

  Her gaze returned to Commander Raa-ling. Would he be the one to take her? Her breasts felt heavy, the nipples swelling. She wouldn’t agree, of course. He’d have to tie her up, or—she glanced at his big, strong hands—hold her down. She could imagine his masculine fingers wrapping around her wrists with a grip as firm as steel, imagine his lips dancing along her neck, seeking the sensitive hot-spot that turned her into a wild woman.

  She shifted in her seat, her throat suddenly dry, a tingling heat rippling through her abdomen. The image frightened her as much as it turned her on. She couldn’t be sexually used by a man. Not again.

  “You have not been brought here to be sex slaves,” the commander reassured. “As a race matures, nata’tai gives its people the ability to sense their tanash’ae—what you would call their soul-mate—even over great distances. To ensure a mingling of races, nata’tai directs the spirits of tanash’aei—soul-mates—to be born in different races on different planets.”

  “Soul-mates?” Jenna repeated in a hushed tone.

  “That’s right. Each of you is the soul-mate of a member of this crew. That’s why you’ve been brought here. To meet your tanash’ae.”

  Eva felt her throat tighten.

  “So you intend to convince us we’re in love with some guy, then use us for breeding,” Crystal scoffed.

  “This has nothing to do with procreation. I’m talking about love.” He focused directly on Eva. “The love of two people destined to be together. Of people who make each other complete. Soul-mates. Tanish’aei.”

  His turquoise eyes, like deep tropical pools, mesmerized her, and his words resonated through her as if they held a special secret meaning just for her.

  “Excuse me, Commander.”

  Eva dragged herself from the almost hypnotic trance and glanced to her right, toward the voice. The woman who’d dragged Aria away stood in the doorway. Eva noticed the woman had two gold ovals on her collar while the two men who st
ood by the door had none. They must be a symbol of rank.

  “Captain wants to see senior staff.”

  “Thank you, Casey.” The commander rose. “Excuse me, ladies. You will remain here until someone is free to take you to your quarters. Make yourselves comfortable.”

  He followed Casey, the female officer, out of the room, followed by the other two men. The door slid closed behind them, leaving Eva and her companions alone in the room.

  Crystal rose and approached the door, but it didn’t open. She flattened her hand on it, then dragged her fingers along the edge, clearly looking for a way to trigger the mechanism.

  “Are you okay, Eva?” Jenna asked, sliding her arm around Eva’s shoulders.

  “Did you feel…funny…when that man came into the room?” Eva asked.

  Could the aliens have drugged them? Maybe something in that last drink at the resort?

  “What do you mean?” Jenna asked.

  “She means were we hot for him.” Crystal turned to face them.

  Eva shot her a glance and Crystal shrugged.

  “You were practically drooling over him, sweetie.” She crossed the room and sat beside Eva. “He is definitely a hunk, but I find that other one—Terrien—much hotter. I really would love to jump his bones.”

  “Crystal, how can you think about that now? We’ve been kidnapped by people from another planet,” Jenna said.

  “That’s the key. They are people. Just like us.”

  Crystal’s calm in the face of this incredible situation amazed Eva.

  Eva shook her head. “How can you treat this so lightly?”

  “We’re here,” Crystal responded. “I figure I’ll make the best of it. At home, a lay is a lay, but here…” She shrugged. “Well, who knows what special talents these alien hunks have?”

  “They said they know who our soul-mates are.” Jenna stared into space.

  “That might be what they believe, but I don’t buy it,” Crystal said.

  “Me, neither,” Eva agreed.

  * * *

  After about twenty minutes, the door slid open and Commander Raa-ling entered, followed by Casey and Terrien. Eva’s skin tingled with awareness at Raa-ling’s masculine presence.

  “You’ll be taken to your quarters now,” he said to all of them. “If you have any more questions, pose them to your tanash’ae.”

  Terrien stepped toward Crystal, who now sat in one of the easy chairs, and Casey approached Jenna. Crystal and Jenna stood and followed their assigned guards.

  Ice water pulsed through Eva’s veins. She couldn’t just let this happen. Eva leapt to her feet and stepped in front of them.

  “Don’t go with them. If we stay together, we have a better chance.”

  “A better chance to what, Eva?” Crystal asked. She leaned close to Eva’s ear and murmured, “Look, I don’t believe in soul-mates, but I’m damned curious about sex with an alien. Especially one that looks like this hunk.” She glanced toward Terrien, then back to Eva and winked, then followed him toward the door.

  “It’s time to go,” Casey insisted.

  Eva grasped Jenna’s sleeve.

  “Don’t go,” Eva implored.

  Chapter 3

  Eva’s gaze locked on Jenna’s.

  “I’m sorry, Eva.” Jenna’s large, blue eyes pleaded for understanding.

  Jenna followed Casey quietly. They went out the door and it slid closed behind them.

  Eva glanced at the one remaining person in the room besides herself. Commander Raa-ling. He stood less than a yard away, a half foot taller than her, oozing strength and masculinity. Her gaze darted to his—then held. His turquoise eyes had darkened to teal, and he stared at her with an intensity she found unnerving.

  * * *

  Larson gazed at this woman he’d never met before. The woman he would spend the rest of his life with. The woman he’d longed for with a demanding ache that would not relent. He needed her with a desperation that overruled everything else.

  He loved her.

  He took a step forward and she took a step back. He stepped forward again and she backed up until the wall thumped against her back. Although she seemed intent on resisting her attraction to him, that attraction was quite evident. Her nipples hardened to tight beads, thrusting against the thin fabric of her black dress. Peaking toward him. He longed to slide the fabric aside and brush his fingertips over them, then run his tongue around the rigid buds and the pebbling flesh surrounding them.

  He curled his fingers tightly into his palms, knowing he had to control himself. He had to fight the desperate need to drag her back to his quarters, throw her onto their bed and drive into her. To make her his immediately. His cock throbbed with the need as it strained against his trousers.

  As he stood mere inches from her, reining in the desperate ache pummeling through him, he knew he had to touch her. He raised his hand and stroked her cheek lightly. The feel of her soft skin beneath his fingertips sent his nerve endings dancing and heat shuddering through him.

  “Do you know how long I’ve yearned to touch you?”

  “You don’t even know me.” The words trembled from her lips.

  He knew she would resist. She had been torn from her world and thrown into an unknown environment. She had lost all control of her destiny, or so she believed. This would not be easy for her. His heart ached at her pain. He would make it as easy on her as he could. If only he could make her understand how much he loved her. If she let go of her fears, she would see how much she loved him too.

  He stroked the line of her jaw.

  “I know you. More than I’ve ever known anyone before. Our hearts and our souls are linked.”

  He wanted to nuzzle her neck and breathe in the delicate scent of her. His fingers forked through her hair and curled around the back of her head. Her lips trembled as he leaned toward her. What he wanted even more was to feel those delicate lips beneath his. He hovered within an inch of her mouth.

  Her lovely brown eyes widened and she stiffened. Shock prodded him as he realized she was afraid. Of him. His gut clenched.

  He eased away, then smiled warmly, hoping to reassure her.

  “I am sorry,” he murmured. “I could hardly contain myself. I have ached for you for so long.”

  * * *

  Eva stared at him, relieved he’d backed off a little. As soon as his fingertips had brushed her cheek, she’d wanted to push his hand away and shoot across the room, far out of reach, but the allure of his touch had mesmerized her. When his lips had hovered so close to hers, she’d felt as if she’d die if he didn’t kiss her.

  And that’s when blinding fear had consumed her.

  “I won’t have sex with you,” she blurted.

  “I know, my love.” A sadness tinged his turquoise eyes.

  “Don’t call me that, Commander.”

  “To you I am not Commander. I am simply Larson. I am your tanash’ae.”

  She folded her arms across her chest.

  “I don’t believe that.”

  “It is true nevertheless.”

  They stood in silence for a moment. Her pulse drummed loudly in her ears. She dearly wanted to put distance between them, but was afraid to push past him. A memory shot through her. Of Roger grabbing her wrist, then viciously twisting it until she crumpled beneath him. Of being helpless to his will.

  “Are you going to take me to my quarters?” she demanded, keeping her voice strong and steady.

  “You mean our quarters. Yours and mine.”

  Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “But—”

  “Don’t worry, laiya. You have your own bedroom.”

  Laiya. The way the word slid off his tongue like silk sent goose bumps tingling across her skin. Clearly, it was an endearment of some kind.

  “I don’t want to go to your quarters. I want you to send me and my friends home.”

  “I can’t do that. But we don’t have to go there right now. I’d like to take you somewhere we can have a dr
ink and get to know each other.”

  They have bars on starships?

  He took her hand and led her to the door. Intense heat pulsed through her at the contact, leaving her breathless. As they walked along the corridor, she tugged her hand free, so he lightly grasped her elbow.

  “It’s near shift change. The perfect time,” he said.

  He drew her into an elevator of sorts, but its movement seemed horizontal rather than vertical. After a five-minute ride, they exited, turned a few corners, then entered a large room with round tables and chairs. The light was softer than the office-level lighting of the corridors.

  A handful of people sat at different tables, laughing and sipping exotic-looking drinks. This must be some kind of lounge where the crew came to relax. Commander Raa-ling had mentioned something about a shift change.

  He led her to a table.

  “This is the Red Room,” he explained as they sat. “Would you like a drink?”

  “Wine.” She needed something stronger than water.

  He smiled and stood.

  “Aren’t you afraid I’m going to run away?” she couldn’t help asking.

  He shrugged. “Where would you go?”

  She sighed. She’d been wondering the same thing.

  He returned in a moment with a slender, purple bottle and two tall, slim glasses. He poured clear liquid into the glasses and handed one to her. She sipped it. At first, it seemed totally tasteless, then her taste buds blossomed with a delicate, dry, fruity flavor that delighted her senses.

  A few moments later, a woman entered the room, followed by a man, both in uniform. Instead of sitting at one of the tables, they moved to a large alcove recessed in the wall near Eva and Larson. They nodded to Larson and smiled at Eva.

  The horizontal surface started about two and a half feet above the floor and extended about seven feet wide and several feet into the wall, with a plush surface and filled with cozy-looking cushions. The two newcomers sat, and Eva realized the floor of the alcove was padded. Was this a place for crewmembers to take a nap between shifts or while on a break?